REVISITED Via Appia invites the visitor on a journey through time along the Via Appia Antica, its monuments, its imagination and the sightlines on it. It is an on-site exhibition in the museum and online on the internet. They overlap and complement each other.
REVISITED Via Appia in Museum Het Valkhof
(Photo: Bert Beelen Dgfoto)
In the exhibition hall in the museum, there is the seventeen-meter long map of miles V and VI of the road with six Roman grave monuments, hundreds of viewpoints of historical image makers and thousands of mapped archaeological remains. As a visitor you are almost literally standing on the road with the views to Rome and Brindisi on the walls.
The beamer screens show many images of the monuments from the past and present and also some scientific reconstructions. The visitor can interactively choose a point of view and see exactly where it is in the virtual version of the road.
The exhibition was on display in 2022 in Museum Het Valkhof in Nijmegen, the place where Roman history and Roman roads intersect. The entire virtual world had been added to the Via Appia, making it much clearer where image makers have stood in the past and what has been done with it in the present. Photo, film, cartography and 3D visualization were innovatively combined in this exhibition.

Part of the exhibition was an extensive program of ‘Walks-and-Talks’ in which renowned scientists and experts gave the public a guided tour and explained various aspects of the Via Appia in more detail.

REVISITED Via Appia was initiated by artist, researcher and curator Krien Clevis. The REVISTED project team, consisting of archaeologists and data specialists, 3D designers, software engineers and an artist, has been developing this interactive exhibition and web application.